To live in the moment is to live forever

Hey, it’s Ash. Welcome to this side of the universe.

I love getting into some good-hearted shenanigans, creative pursuits, and all things water. I’m generally passionate about too many things, and often lose sleep over creative projects. I’m admittedly a bit of a hermit, but I make the most of it when I do go out. I love to travel and 100% do not care about the prospect of sleeping on an airport floor. I walk fast but take too long in museums and don’t get me started on the 20,000 knick knacks in my backpack at any given moment. Hey, you’ll thank me when you need a charger… or eye drops… or a binder clip. I’m meticulous about pens and notebooks, but likely half of my T-shirts I got for free. I have a one to two day defrost period with new people and struggle to make small talk but I’m always up for an overly deep conversation about just about anything. I think too much and don’t drink enough water but I care deeply and commit myself to the work, whatever it may be. I am constantly inspired and frequently shattered by I’m learning to love the new perspectives a broken mirror can showcase.

Come in and stay a while– the tea is hot and the pie freshly baked. I’m so glad, that in the uncountable steps the universe has taken, you’ve ended up here.



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