About Me: 

I was adopted from China at 11 months and lived in a smallish town near Aspen up until 6th grade. I attended a small charter school there which first exposed me to my passion for academia and meaningful education. In 2018, my family moved to Boulder, Colorado for a variety of reasons, including my growing hunger for impactful and real world applicable education. I started attending the Watershed School in 6th grade and the schools commitment to crafting students who are both curious and capable has kept me there ever since. I’m currently finishing my senior year there and I’m looking forward to what college and beyond may bring.

Outside of education, I’m deeply passionate about art, athletics, and advocacy. Being raised in the Rocky Mountains, I was exposed to outdoor education and experiences from a young age. These experiences fostered a deep love for both nature and the benefits of outdoor sports. However, I quickly came to realize that outdoor sports and recreation simply isn’t equitable and they’re few high level athletes that share my perspectives and experiences. Today, I’m committed to sharing the wonderful aspects of outdoor sports with historically underrepresented and disenfranchised groups in hopes of diversifying and expanding the world of outdoor athletics. I also enjoy a wide range of artistic pursuits including writing, drawing, and performance art. My interest in drawing and other physical crafts started from a young age after I received my first hot glue gun and it has only increased since then. Writing was a later developed interest that first started with a curiosity for spoken word and has since expanded to include most types of literature. I find art to be a meaningful, and admittedly often frustrating, way of showcasing a synthesized version of how one sees the world. To me, art is often the perfect conduit for communicating needed shifts in societal consciousness. It has the capability to hold as diverse of perspective as they’re people on the Earth and its subjectivity, while often difficult to work with, allows for creation without the confines of societal expectation. Art has offered me the space to better understand and communicate how I see and experience the world. It has provide much solace and is always pushing me to continue to evolve and change both within the arts but also as a holistic person. My constant aim as an artist and academic is to elevate the seemingly mundane aspects of life in hopes of showcasing the magic of a singular moment.

As you can likely tell, I have a very diverse set of passions, interests, and commitments. Much of my life consists of sitting in a liminal space between often disjointed things and I’m constantly surprised, horrified, and inspired by what this particular perspective can reveal. I believe deeply in the power of interconnection and I have faith in the capability of the human mind and spirit.