ISRAEL Entry 2: Perfecting the Art of Packing

After traveling to 8 countries and frequently exploring the US, I’ve practically perfected my packing technique. Use a combination of packing cube and compression sacks. Keep out some jackets or other loose clothes to fill the gaps. I’ve chosen to bring a truly massive duffel and because of good packing, it still has space in it. My one fear while packing was the weight. Would it be under 50 lbs?

Perhaps there’s a metaphor in that. Things add up, little things. It’s the same with backpacking but feels more prevalent here, where the bag is so freaking big. I suppose we’re all the same way in that. The to-do list grows longer. We read the news and scroll through our feeds. Eventually, we snap. We’ve surpassed our weight maximum. And, for each of us, the weight maximum is different. Certain things that wouldn’t seem to stress another might be your tipping point. It’s your job to figure out what your weight limit is. What takes up space, and what makes your life heavier?

During my last days in Boulder, I took around 7 hours of neuropsychological tests to better understand what weighs me down. The tests helped to identify what areas I struggled with. One of the things at the top of the list was sensory issues. I have a harder time filtering out what isn’t important.

The tag on my shirt

The seam on my sock

The smell of perfume

The rumble of a truck passing by

These files in my brain are almost as high in importance as to-do lists, schedules, or appointments. This has its benefits, I can compensate for cues I might miss in social situations and create intricate art or stories. However, these come at the expense of my energy and often my mental health.

So, packing.

I don’t know anyone there. +2 lbs.

I’ve struggled with social situations like these before. +5 lbs.

I’m in a dorm but do better when I have alone time. +6 lbs.

Packing is the worst part. It’s when my anxieties fester and multiple. It’s when I play out every bad event that could happen. Yet, it also tells me more about myself. Packing is pre-letting go. Deciding what weight isn’t worth bringing with you.

So in that way, I suppose packing is an art.

And in the end, my bag came in at 48 pounds. 2 pounds below the maximum.


ISREAL Entry 3: A F*cking Tornado


ISRAEL Entry 1: Some Context