ISRAEL Entry 4: Grief and Growth

Soooo, I came home. If you read the last blog then you’d know this has been a little while in the making. If not, well, you know now. The reasons I came home are plentiful but I’m not quite ready to talk about many of them here yet.

While I only spent a couple weeks in Israel, they were probably some of the hardest in my life and I’m still trying to work out what that means. The biggest reason I haven’t posted anything is because of that. Being initially overwhelmed with so much and then the difficult process of getting back home and figuring out what the rest of my semester would look like.

So much of it is mourning what didn’t work out and meditating on what I can take with me moving forward.

I’ll share more as things settle out and I have time to decompress.

Until then, cheers.


ISRAEL Entry 5: Moving Forward


ISREAL Entry 3: A F*cking Tornado