ISRAEL Entry 1: Some Context

This past November, after entering my sophomore year of high school, I began researching study abroad opportunities. Intrigued by other cultures and itching to see what else the world may have to offer, a study abroad program seemed the best bet. After some inquiry and discussion, a program began to stand out. Alexander Muss. Located in a small town about 20 minutes outside of Tel Aviv, it caught my eye for several reasons.

  1. Israel’s rich history, while appealing to any demographic, provides powerful and meaningful insights for many, many Jews, including me.

  2. The high school is an American one, helping to bridge the gap and ease some of my fears surrounding being in a new culture by myself.

  3. The high school also requires students to take an Israeli history course which is very fieldwork heavy and supposedly very similar to many of the courses I take at The Watershed School.

So, for these reasons, and others, I ended up applying to, and committing to the program. This means I’ll be in Israel for four months, staying on campus, and traveling within Israel. all with the goal to gain insights into Israeli-US relations, as well as my own relationship with Judaism. I’ll take a deep dive into Israeli culture, and, hopefully, return a more well-rounded individual.

I also decided, somewhere in my months of planning, that writing a blog would be a great way to keep people updated as well as document my own journey. So, here it is. My blog. Come tag along, there’s so much to experience.


ISRAEL Entry 2: Perfecting the Art of Packing